other contemporary urban environmental issues

Cards (6)

  • Atmospheric pollution in London:
    ·         Main sources of pollution include:
        - transport and factory emissions:
        - domestic and commercial heating systems
    ·         >4000 pollution related deaths in London per year
    ·         2015- emissions still higher than UK + European law permit
    ·         2013- young girl first person in UK to have pollution as cause of death
  • Management of atmospheric pollution:
    ·         Clean air acts: 1956 London clean air act introduced smoke free zones into urban areas
    ·         ULEZ: charges highly polluting vehicles
    ·         Congestion charge: vehicles have to pay for entry to manage congestion
    ·         Good public transport and promotion of cycling
  • Water pollution in London:
    ·         Only 1 of London's 41 river waterbodies is classified as “good”
    ·         Main sources of pollution include:
    o   combined sewer systems containing rainwater and sewage
    o   road run-off- pollutants on the road are washed away by the rain and into waterways
  • Management of water pollution
    ·         The Thames tideway tunnel:
    o   a 25km circular tunnel found 65km deep under London will help upgrade London's sewer system which will increase the quality of the water.
    More sewage treatments plants like Beckton
  • Dereliction in London:
    ·         “The state of having been abandoned + become dilapidated”
    ·         1980s- the docklands became derelict due to the deindustrialisation of the shipping industry:
    o   150,000 jobs lost
    o   20% housing not suitable to live in
  • Management of dereliction:
    ·         1981- London Docklands Development Corporation set up to redevelop the area
    Refer to urbanisation section.