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  • Protists are classified under the Kingdom Protista
  • Protists include mostly unicellular organisms that do not fit into any other Kingdom
  • 200 000 known species, protists have the greatest diversity
  • Three Groups of Protista
    1. Protozoa
    2. Algae
    3. Slime and Water Moulds
  • Protozoa, Amoeba
  • Protozoa, Paramecium
  • Protozoa
    Animal-like, unicellular, heterotrophic
    e.g microscopic, unicellular, Amoeba, Paramecium
  • Algae
    plant-like, uni- or multicellular, autotrophic
    e.g macroscopic, red brown, green algae
    Euglena, Dinoflagellates, Diatoms
  • Spirogyra (green algae)
  • Euglena algae
  • Dinoflagellates algae
  • Diatoms algae
  • Slime and Water Moulds
    fungus-like, multicellular, heterotrophic organisms
  • Protists have true nuclei, are therefor Eukaryotic
  • Some are unicellular and microscopically small, others are simple multicellular organisms that show a primitive level of differentiation
  • Algae are autotrophic and produce their own organic nutrients
    Others are heterotrophic and are dependent of other organisms for food
  • Reproduction is mostly asexual and occurs by binary fission, where a single cell divides into two cells with identical genetic material, some algae to reproduce sexually
  • Protists live in any environment where water occurs as most protists are aquatic