Crime Control Model

Cards (12)

  • Holds a Right Realist view of crime and how to deal with it.
  • Believes in biological predisposition ; some are more likely to commit crime as a result of genes.
  • Believes in easy opportunity / Rational Choice Theory ; people commit crime when they know they won’t get caught.
  • Believe in Murray’s underclass theory and that the underclass breeds criminals as a result of poor socialisation.
  • Their priority is stopping crime at all costs.
  • Believe in fear of punishment ; deterrence stops crime.
  • Believe in guilty until proven innocent.
  • Believe court cases should be quick and efficient.
  • Believe police powers shouldn't be restricted. Believe police should be able to arrest anyone they suspect of committing a crime.
  • Believe a few innocents in prison is worth a safe society : needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
  • Hold an emphasis on victims and socity’s safety.
  • The crime control model believes in stopping crime at all costs.