a)Determining the capitalization of the cooperative
b) Appointment of officers of the cooperative
c) Approval of annual budget and plans
d) All of the above
Which type of membership is entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership?
Regular member
What is a regular member of a cooperative?
A member who has complied with all membership requirements and entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership
What document must be filed with the Authority by the cooperative applying for registration?
Articles of Cooperation
What is the common bond of interest required for individuals to organize a primary cooperative?
Same interest or purpose
What does "degree of relationship" refer to in the organizational structure?
The extent to which members of the cooperative are related to each other
How is the net surplus distributed?
Based on the decision of the General Assembly
Which type of membership has no right to vote or be voted upon?
Associate member
How are vacancies in the Board of Directors filled?
By appointment of the remaining directors
What is the minimum number of members required to be present in a General Assembly meeting for it to be considered a quorum?
25% of the total membership
What reports are required from cooperatives?
a)Regular reports on financial and operational performance
b) Reports on compliance with government regulations
c) Reports on capitalization and net surplus distribution
d) All of the above
Who approves an applicant's membership in a cooperative?
board of directors
What is the maximum period for a cooperative to exist?
50 years
How can membership in the cooperative be terminated?
By the Board of Directors with a vote of the majority of all the members
What is the effect of a certificate of registration issued by the Authority under its official seal?
It is conclusive evidence that the cooperative is duly registered
What is the purpose of bonding accountable officers?
To protect the cooperative from losses due to fraud or dishonesty
How is the net surplus of a cooperative determined?
By subtracting the cost of goods and services availed by members from payments and mandated funds by the gov't made by members
What is the purpose of the register of members?
To serve as evidence of membership and ownership of share capital
Which of the following is a potential challenge of allowing relationships by consanguinity or affinity within a cooperative?
Potential conflicts of interest arising from familial relationships
What are the powers of the Board of Directors?
a)Determining the compensation of officers
b) Approving annual reports and financial statements
c) Approving loans and investments
d) All of the above
What is the limitation on share capital holdings?
Members are not allowed to hold more than 10% of the total share capital
Can any provision or matter stated in the articles of cooperation and by-laws be amended?
Yes, as long as it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members with voting rights
What is the required age for individuals to organize a primary cooperative?
18 years old
Which of the following is an example of a relationship by affinity in a cooperative?
Two members who are married to each other
What is meant by "relationship by consanguinity" in the cooperative governance?
A relationship based on blood or descent
Who is disqualified to be elected or appointed to any position in a cooperative?
An elective official of the Government
Can a government employee or official use official time for attendance at the general assembly, board and committee meetings of cooperatives, as well as cooperative seminars, workshops, technical meetings, and training courses locally or abroad?
Yes, for all the mentioned meetings and events
What is the requirement for individuals to complete before becoming members of the cooperative?
Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES)
Can a member withdraw his/her membership from the cooperative?
Yes, by giving a sixty-day notice to the board of directors
Is a member liable for the debts of the cooperative?
Yes, to the extent of their contribution to the share capital of the cooperative