Maternal deprivation

    Cards (13)

    • separation: the child is not in the presence of their primary attachment figure
    • deprivation: lack of emotional care from a primary attachment figure which can occur even if they are still physically present
    • critical period: lasts until 2.5 years old. psychological damage is inevitable if the child is deprived of their primary attachment figure during this period. there is a continued risk up to 5 years old
    • intellectual development: affected by emotional care. lack of can cause abnormally low IQ
      Goldfarb 1947 found Romania children in institutions had lower IQs than those fostered
    • emotional development: comes from primary attachment figures emotional care, lack of causes affectionless psychopathy
    • affectionless psychopathy

      inability to experience guilt or strong emotions towards other people, prevent normal relationship development, associated with criminality, cannot appreciate victims feelings so cant feel remorse
    • aim of the 44 thieves experiment
      see if there is a link between affectionless psychopathy and maternal deprivation
    • sample from 44 thieves
      44 criminal teenagers accused of stealing
      control group: 44 non criminal but emotionally disturbed teens
    • 44 thieves procedure
      interviewed teens for signs of affectionless psychopathy
      interviewed family to see if the thief had a prolonged separation from their primary attachment figure in the first 2 years of life
    • 44 thieves results and conclusion
      14/44 thieves had affectionless psychopathy
      12/14 of those had maternal deprivation
      5/30 left had been maternally deprived
      control group: 2/44 experience maternal deprivation
      maternal deprivation causes affectionless psychopathy and criminality
    • 44 thieves study
      bowlby 1944
    • maternal deprivation AO3 +
      + Levy 2003 - separating baby rats from their mother for 1 day had a permanent effect on their social development
    • maternal deprivation AO3 x
      x research bias - Bowlby conducted all interviews and assessments so found what he hoped to find
      x no critical period in humans - Koluchova 1976 found twin Czech boys isolated from 18 months to 11 years were adopted and fully recovered showing deprivation can be reversed
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