Criminal personality theory

Cards (7)

  • What is Yochelson and Samenow's theory on criminal personality?

    -criminals are prone to faulty thinking (causing them to commit crime)
    -the theory is based on a 14 yr old longitudinal (lengthy study with the same participants) study of 240 male offenders, most had been committed to a psych hospital.
    -claimed to have identified thinking patterns that 'characterise' all criminals.
    -study suggests there are a number of identifiable flawed ways of thinking that are common to criminals.
    -series of choices in early like turns someone into a criminal
  • What are the types of error in Character traits?
    -Pervasive fearfulness
    -Feelings of worthlessness.
    -Need for power and control
    -Need for sexual excitement
  • What are the types of error in automatic errors of thinking?
    -Poor decision making
    -Lack of trust
    -Failure to understand others' positions.
    -Failure to assume obligations.
  • What are the types of error with errors associated with criminal acts?
    -Fantasies of anti-social behaviour
    -Corrosion of internal and external deterrents.
    • They argue that it is NOT environmental factors that lead to criminality- e.g. poverty, divorced parents, abusive parents, peer pressure etc.
    • Instead, it is the 'thinking errors' that are caused by having a criminal personality.
  • Strengths of CPT

    -This has led to other research e.g. PICTS 2 (questionnaire times at revealing criminal thought patterns)
    -Successful treatments e.g. CBT (treatment to 'correct' faulty thinking pattern) have been developed from these ideas.
  • Weakness of CPT
    -Yochelson and Samenow didn't use a control group of non-criminals to compare thinking errors with.
    -Their sample was unrepresentative- only males, mostly in psychiatric hospitals. Doesn't account for all criminals.
    -High sample attrition rate (the number of participants who drop out the study) there were only 30 left in the study by the end.