The gasses in the alveoli with the blood come into equilibrium
Due to diffusion across the pulmonary epithelium and the capillarywall
Due to the difference in partialpressure of the gasses between the alveoli and the blood
Partial pressure
The pressure exerted by an individualgas of a mixture
Dalton'slaw of partialpressure states that the totalpressure of the mixture of gasses is the sum of the individualgasses
Each gas exerts a partial pressure, independent of each other
Fick’s law of diffusion
The difference in partialpressure on the surfacearea of the membrane and twosides of the membrane of an alveolusdetermines the amount of oxygen or carbon dioxide that is diffusedacross the membrane
The partialpressure in the arterial blood is 100mmHg and in the tissues is 40mmHg
Due to the partial pressure of oxygen being lower in cells
The oxygendiffuses its pressureinto the cells
Oxygen has poorsolubility in blood (0.25ml/100ml)
Average person has around 5L blood where 12.5 ml is dissolvedoxygen, which is insufficient for respiration
Blood actually contains 20mL/100mloxygen
Hemoglobin can combine reversibly with RBC and greatly increase the capacity of the RBC to deliver oxygen throughout the body
Blood contains a large concentration of hemoglobin (140-180g/L for men and 120-160g/L for women)
Hemoglobin contains 2alpha and 2betapeptidechains
Each polypeptide contains a haem group that can reversibly bind to oxygen and each haem group contains an iron atom at the center
A hemoglobin molecule can bind up to fouroxygenmolecules
Oxygen binding is cooperative, the binding of one site increases the ability of the others site to be binded to
Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is the relationship between the partialpressure of oxygen and the percentagesaturation of hemoglobin in the blood
As the oxygenconcentrationincreases, there is an increase in the hemoglobin binding which is the highest at pulmonarycapillaries
Due to cooperativebinding of oxygen to hemoglobin, the relationship is not linear but sigmoid
There are different factors that affect the binding of hemoglobin and the release of oxygen such as pH, CO2concentration, 2,3-BPG, and temperature
Rightshift in the curve states that there is a decrease in the affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin
Leftshift of the curve states that the carbon dioxideconcentration, pH, 2,3-BPG, and temperature have all decreased
Bohreffect states that due to a change in pH, there is a displacement in the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve
Carbon dioxide in the tissue reacts with the water in the plasma to form carbonic acid
Increase in carbon dioxide will increase the acidity, therefore reduce the pH of the blood
Oxyhaemoglobin unloads oxygen more readily in an acidicpH than in a normalpH
More than oxyhaemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin binds readily to H+ ions
At lowaffinity states, oxygen is easily released due to the stability of the hemoglobin chain due to the binding of H+ ions to the specificaminoacids on the globinchain
When lactic acid is released in the muscle, it lowers the blood pH which has a similar effect on the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation
Binds readily to H+ions
Low affinity states
Oxygen is easily released due to the stability of the hemoglobinchain from the binding of H+ ions to specificamino acids on the globin chain
Lactic acid is released in the muscle
It lowers the blood pH which has a similar effect on the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve
Utilization coefficient
The fraction of blood that gives up its oxygen when it passes through the capillary bed
Under normal conditions, 5ml/100ml of blood will be released to the tissues, therefore 25% of the oxygen present in the blood is utilized by the tissue
Venous blood still contains 15 ml of oxygen /100ml of blood
During strenuous exercise, the rate of oxygen delivery is increased three times its normal delivery
This can lead to cardiacoutput being increased by 5 times, therefore the total increase in oxygen delivery is 15 times
Ways carbon dioxide can be transported
Dissolved in solution
Transported as carbonic acid
Bound to proteins such as hemoglobin
CO2 in solution is 2.5ml/100 ml, however, blood can carry 50ml/100ml of carbondioxide indicating only 5% is in solution