Topic 1: The Origins of the Cold War 1941-58

Cards (7)

  • What was the Tehran conference? Nov-Dec 1943
    • USA and Britain agreed to open up a second front
    • Soviet Union declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated
    • Poland boundaries moved eastwards
  • What was the Yalta Conference? Feb 1945
    • Germany defeated in size, divided and demilitarised (have to pay reparations)
    • Europe would be rebuilt along the lines of the Atlantic Charter
  • What was the Potsdam Conference? July-Aug 1945
    • Council of foreign Ministers was set to organise rebuilding of Europe
    • Nazi Party was banned and war criminals were to be prosecuted
    • Germany was to be reduced in size
  • What was the Marshall plan?
    Formalised economic assistance that Truman described in the Truman doctrine 1947
  • What is the domino effect?
    The domino effect refers to the idea that one event or action can set off a chain reaction of similar events or actions.
  • What was the Truman doctrine?

    Describes a speech given by the US president.
  • Truman Doctrine 1947:
    • USA was prepared to send troops money and resources to any nations resisting communism
    • communism limited peoples freedom
    • capitalism and communism could not co exist in the same nation