addition polymerisation

Cards (3)

  • During polymerisation reaction, monomers have their pi bond broken
    • the electrons from each pi bond make a sigma bond with a neighbouring carbon atom on a different monomer; connecting the monomer chemically, generating a saturated polymer with long carbon chains
  • we can draw the structural formula of the repeating unit using square brackets to show that it is part of a polymer
    A) plastic bags
    B) poly(propene)
    C) packaging
    D) polystyrene
    E) non-stick coating
  • Deducing the structures
    1. draw the monomer structure so that the C=C bond is the focus of the diagram
    2. draw square brackets round the monomer
    3. C=C to C-C + draw two line extending from each C atom through the square brackets
    4. add a subscript ‘n’