
Cards (12)

  • Msgnitude is a measure of earthquake size, intensity is the degree of shakung
  • Richter scale meaures suze of earthqauke logarithmically
  • Moment magnitude is the slip on tge fault multiplued by area
  • mercallus measures the amount of shaking at a particular location
  • Shearing occurs at conservative boundaries, tensional at diergent, and compression at convergent.
  • At a normal (Divergent) fault a dip slip fault occurs due to extnsion, where the block above falls relative to the one below
  • A dip slip fault at convergent boundaries occurs wgen one block moves up and over another
  • Strike slip fault is where the two plates move past each other.
  • P waves move the fastest (7km/sec), and travel deeply in both liquids and solids by contracting and expanding (vibrating), but arent damaging.
  • S waves are the second fastes, and second most destrucitve, but only travel through solids, but deeply, and vibrate perpendicular to direction of movement.
  • L waves afe the slowest, and travel on or just beneath the surface, bu tonly through solids, but are destrucitve
  • Seismic waves move faster through hard rock than soft soil, which amplifies the waves.