Instrumental and expressive roles - Parsons (Functionalism)
Instrumental - held by the husband, role is to be the breadwinner at work.
Expressive - held by the wife, role is to raise kids, work on the house and families'emotional needs.
Believes genders are naturally suited to their role.
Counter - Young and Willmott
Men are now taking a greater share of domestic tasks and more wives becoming wage earners.
The symmetrical family - Young and Willmott (Functionalism)
'March of progress' view as they see family life gradually improving for all members.
Moving away from segregatedconjugal roles and towards jointconjugal roles.
Evidence: women now work, men more involved with housework, couples now spend their leisure time together.
Counter - Oakley (Feminist)
Only 15% of husbands had a high level of participation in housework and only 25% in childcare.
Ideological explanation for the gender division of labour - Crompton and Lyonette
Women perform more domestic labour simply because that is what society expects them to do and has socialised them to do.
Gershuny - Couples who's parents had more equal relationship will mirror this themselves.
Dunne - Lesbian couples had more symmetrical relationships due to the absence of traditional heterosexual 'gender scripts'.
Economic explanation for the gender division of labour - Crompton and Lyonette
The fact that women generally earn less than men means it is economically rational for women to do more housework while men spend more time earning money.
Kan - for every £10,000 a year more a woman earns, she does two hours less housework per week.
Ramos - When its the woman that's the breadwinner, the man does as much domestic work as she does.
Explanations for domestic violence - Millett and Firestone (Radical feminists)
Men are the enemy and the oppressors and exploiters of women.
Widespread domestic violence is an inevitable feature of a patriarchal society and preserves men's power.
Male dominance of justice systems explains reluctance to effectively deal with such cases.
Counter - Elliot
Radical feminists ignore that not all men are violent.
They fail to explain female violence.
Assume all women are at equal risk and doesn't specify which women are more likely to be victims.
Explanations for domestic violence - Wilkinson and Pickett (Materialists)
Those on low incomes or living in overcrowded accommodation are more likely to be stressed.
Worries about money may spill over into domestic conflict as tempers become frayed.
lack of money and time restricts people's social circle and reduces social support for those under stress.
Counter - Ansley (Marxist)
Materialists fail to mention why women rather than men are the victims.
Women are the 'takers of shit' as male workers are exploited by capitalism at work and take out their frustrations on their wives.
Inequality in financial decision-making
Hardill - in duel earner households, men are still most likely to influence financial decision-making.
Pahl - growth of separate finances for men and women compared with earlier research that suggested male-dominated pooling was most common.
Counter - Individual finances provides more negotiations on finances, women are less likely to face reductions due to childcare responsibilities.
Equality in child-rearing - Treas and Tao
Decisions on children are more likely to be joint.
75% of couples made joint decisions on brining up children.
Women are more likely to reduce employment to fit in with demands of childcare and this reinforces the decision-making process.
Counter - Gatrell, women's financial power educed after having children due to taking time off work makes the decision making unequal.