Family is a 'haven' from the harsh and exploitive world of capitalism.
Yet the haven is an illusion as the family can't meet needs as its based on the domestic servitude of women.
Althusser (Marxist)
Family is an ideological state apparatus, passing on the acceptance of the ruling class ideology and damping down social conflict.
Counter - Functionalism
Marxists ignore all benefits of a family.
Functional fit theory - Parsons
Geographically mobile workforce - the nuclear family is better fitted to the need that modern industry as its easer to move than an extended family, for example.
Socially mobile workforce - encourages sons to seek status in work as they don't want to contest with their father's status under the same roof.
New Right views on the family
Progressive policies throughout the 1960s-70s have led to the decline of traditional family values.
Increases in divorce, lone-parents families and permissive policies relating to reproductive rights and sexuality had seen the influence of family decline.
Looked back on 'golden age' of family life, stable family structures that could provide for their own needs through employment.
New right views - Murray
The state spending on benefits had created a form of welfare dependency.
Created a generation of 'idle young men' who lacked father figures and were the formation of an underclass.
The underclass developed their own norms and values that differed from the rest of society, demonstrating criminal and antisocial behaviours.