Section three

Cards (32)

  • What is intrinsic motivation 

    Comes from within the individual
  • What is extrinsic motivation
    Comes from external sources like a prize or a coach
  • Supporting evidence for motivation
    Ashford - interviewed 336 English adults in order to find out why they do sport. Found 4 main intrinsic motivators : physical well being psychological well being improvement and assertive achievement
  • What is self efficacy
    Our belief of our sporting abilities - often situation specific .
  • What did bandura state about self efficacy
    Derives from experiences.
  • What factors affect self efficacy
    Previous achievement
    vicarious experience
    verbal persuasion
    emotional arousal
  • What is a vicarious experience 

    When we witness a role model succeed it can drive us to follow
  • What is sport confidence
    Belief in abilities to succeed/win in sport
  • What are the two types of sport confidence
    Trait and state
  • What is trait sport confidence
    Belief in general sporting ability - relates to previous experiences and increases along with motivation levels
  • What is state sport confidence
    Ability to perform in a particular context. Alter levels of motivation
  • What factors influence sport confidence
    Prior achievement
    self regulation - stress control
    climate - atmosphere
  • Who created the sport orientation questionaire
    Gill and deeter
  • What is the SOQ
    25 item questionaire scale which measures
    win orientation
    goal orientation
  • What did gill and deeter do
    Used the SOQ on a large group of male and female athletes and non athletes.
  • What did gill and deeter find
    For athletes, goal orientation was more important than win orientation
    competitiveness is higher in males
  • What is imagery
    Way to enhance both self confidence and self efficacy by imagining scenes taking place
  • What is MG-A imagery
    Motivation general arousal - athlete should reflect on feelings of stress and anxiety
  • What is MG-M imagery
    motivation general mastery- involves seeing ourselves cope with stressful situations
  • Why is imagery beneficial
    Enables performer to find best option
    practise and run through routines in their head - privately
  • What is the key research
    munroe and chandler
  • What was the aim of munroe and chandler
    To investigate relationship between MG-M and self confidence in soccer players aged 11-14
  • Sample of munroe and chandler
    Opportunity sample of 122 male and female soccer players
    11-14 years old
    from Canada
  • How many players in munroe and chandler played elite
    72 played house (non elite)
    3 removed cos level wasn’t known
  • What was mynroe and chandlers method
    Correlations study - relationship between imagery use and confidence levels
  • Procedure of munroe and chandler
    Consent was obtained
    data was collected over 2 week period in soccer season.
    players completed questionnaires before practice
    asked about gender age and number of years they had played soccer
  • What three questionnaires were used by munroe and chandler
    SIQ-C - sport imagery questionaire - measured 5 types of imagery-extent to which they agree
    CTAI -2C - competitive trait anxiety inventory - measured sport confidence and cog anxiety
    SEQ-S - self efficacy questionaire for soccer - measured self efficacy
  • Findings of munroe and chandler
    They all had similar correlations despite the individual differences of age and level of play
    gave a positive correlation of 0.66
  • Conclusions of munroe and chandler
    Use of MG-M imagery is a strong predictor of self efficacy and self confidence
  • What are the two applications
    positive self talk
  • What does pettlep stand for
  • What are the 5 steps of positive self talk 

    Short and special statement
    positive word
    instructional self talk
    friendly affirmations