Cards (10)

  • what does phylogeny tell us about
    the evolutionary history of organisms
  • what is phylogeny
    The study of the evolutionary history of groups of organisms\
  • what does phylogeny tell us
    who is related to whom and how closely related they are
  • what have all organisms evolved from
    Shared common ancestors (relatives)
    • This can be shown on a phylogenetic treee
  • here is an example of a
    phylogenetic tree
  • What do phylogenetic trees show
    the relationship between members of families
  • what does the first branch point on a phylogenetic tree represent?
    A common ancestor of all the family members
  • what do each of the following points of a phylogenetic tree represent
    another common ancestor from which a different group diverged
  • when did closely related species diverge away from each other?
    most recently
  • who diverged away from each other most recently?
    closely related species