Cards (66)

  • Entrepreneur- It refers to someone who carries out new combinations such as organize and manage business ventures. 
  • Entrepreneurship - It is the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any risks in order to make profit.
  • "entreprendremeans- to undertake
  • The word entrepreneur originates from what language? FRENCH
  • French Opportunity seeker - An entrepreneur must have the ability to be the first to see business chances.
  • Proactive - Controlling a situation by making things to happen or by preparing for possible future problems 
  • Innovator- The entrepreneurs have bi business ideas and they do not stop improving and thinking of new worthwhile ideas for their business. 
  • Communicator - An entrepreneur must have a convincing power.
  • Risk Takers- They have the courage to pursue their business ideas.  
  • Decisive - An entrepreneur must be firm in making decisions.
  • Leader - An entrepreneur must have the charisma to be obeyed by his employees. Study the role of entrepreneurship in the economy
  • Social - They are those who initiate changes and drive social innovation and transformation in the various fields.
  • DroneThey are those who live on the labor of others. They are die-hard conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of busincss.  
  • Innovative - The entrepreneurs who create new ideas.
  • Imitating- These are entrepreneurs who copy the ideas or concepts of other entrepreneurs.
  • Fabian - The entrepreneur who is skeptical about the changes to be made in the organization.
  • Entrepreneurial mind frame - It allows the entrepreneur to see things in a very positive and optimistic light in the midst of crisis or difficult situations
  • Entrepreneurial gut game - refers to the ability of the entrepreneur to sense without using the five senses. This is also known as intuition.
  • Entrepreneurial heart flame - refers to entrepreneur's driven passion, they are attracted to discover satisfaction in the act and process of discovery.
  • climate - refers to the climatic/weather condition
  • wildlife - refers to the wild plants and animals.
  • physical resources -  raw materials of the product.
  • Physical environment 

     a.climate - refers to the climatic/weather condition 
     b. physical resources -  raw materials of the product. 
     c. wildlife - refers to the wild plants and animals.
  • Societal environment/Macro environment    
    a.Social forces and Cultural forces/Socio-cultural environment   
    b. Political forces and Legal forces/Political environment   
    c. Economic forces   
    d. Ecological forces
    e. Technological forces
  • Industry environment/Micro environment   
    a.Government -  handles the affairs of a particular country.   
    b. Suppliers - provide the required materials, parts, or services to the business. 
     c. Customers - buyers of goods or services 
     d. Competitors - forces existing in the industry (Third Telco operator)     - Direct competitors -  sell similar products s     - Indirect competitors -  sell substitute products   
    e. Employees -  highly responsible for the production  
     f. Creditors - refers to banks, financial institutions 
  • Socio-Cultural Environment includes the demographics and cultural dimensions
  • Political Environment -defines the governance system of the country
  • Economic Environment -Supply and demand forces mainly drive
  • Ecological Environment
    includes all natural resources and the ecosystem
  • Technological Environment
    New scientific and technological discoveries,
  • Consumer products
    is a finished product available for sale to a customer.
  • Convenience products:
     These are cheaper products
  • Specialty products: 
    These products are expensive
  • Shopping products
    These are expensive products that customers usually do more research
  • Unsought products: Customers likely don't know about or think about buying
  • industrial product 
    to make other products or to help them with running their business.
  • Capital goods:
     These are part of production, and they're usually an installation,
  • Raw materials
    Businesses use raw materials in the making of other products,
  • Component parts
    These are raw materials that a business processes.
  • Major equipment: Businesses use major equipment to make, process or sell other products. This can include items like computers or tractors.