Evidence is limited because of the time scale of 4.6 billion years and theories have changed/developed over time
One theory suggests that during the first billion years of the Earth's existence, there was intense volcanic activity that released gases that formed the early atmosphere
At the start of this period, the atmosphere may have been like the atmospheres of Mars and Venus today: mainly CO2 with little or no O2(g)
Volcanoes also produced nitrogen (N2) which gradually built up in the atmosphere & there may have been small proportions of methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3)
Water vapour condensed to form the oceans, and CO2 dissolved in the water and carbonates were precipitated producing sediments, reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
1. Algae and plants decreased the % CO2 in the atmosphere by photosynthesis
2. CO2 was also decreased by the formation of sedimentary rocks that contain carbon (e.g. limestone and coal) and by the production of fossil fuels from the remains of dead plants and animals when they decayed
The sun emits short wavelength radiation to Earth, this is not absorbed by the greenhouse gases
The Earth then emits long-wavelength radiation which is absorbed by the greenhouse gases and re-radiated back towards Earth in all directions , this long-wavelength radiation is in the form of thermal radiation, this results in the warming of our earth
Based on peer-reviewed evidence, many scientists believe that human activities will cause the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere to increase at the surface and that this will result in global climate change
It is difficult to model such complex systems as global climate change, leading to simplified models, speculation and opinions presented in the media that may be based on only parts of the evidence and which may be biased
Action to reduce carbon footprint may be limited because it's more difficult, can be more expensive and planting trees takes away land that could be used to grow crops