Nervous coordination

Cards (24)

  • The myelin sheath provides electrical insulation made of lipids.
  • nodes of ranvier enable exchange of ions with extracellular fluid.
  • Schwann cells produce the myelin sheath by wrapping around the axon many times.
  • the membrane has a resting potential of -70mV and is said to be polarised.
  • in a resting neurone there are more positive ions on the outside of the axon than the inside.
    • so the inside of the axon is negatively charged compared to the inside.
  • maintaining the resting potential:
    1. the sodium-potassium pump actively transports 3 sodium ions out of the cell and 2 potassium ions into the cell.
    2. the sodium-potassium leakage channels are open in a resting membrane.
    3. there are about 100x more potassium channels tha n sodium channels so the membrane is more permeable to potassium.
    4. this maintains a resting potential of -70mV.
  • the membrane of a neurone contains voltage gated sodium ion channels and voltage gated potassium ion channels.
    • in resting these gates are closed.
  • depolarisation:
    1. when a stimulus reaches a resting neurone the sodium gated channels open & Na+ flow into the neurone.
    2. if enough Na+ move in it causes more voltage gated Na+ channels to open.
    3. the Na+ diffuse along an electrochemical gradient.
    4. depolarisation occurs due to a reduction in potential difference.
    5. this causes the inside of the axon to become positively charged at +40mV.
  • repolarisation:
    1. once the inside of the axon is positively charged the Na+ gated channels close and the K+ gated channels open.
    2. K+ diffuse out of the axon along an electrochemical gradient.
    3. the membrane is repolarisd and returns to its resting potential of -70mV.
  • hyperpolarisation:
    1. the K+ channels stay open slightly too long after repolarisation.
    2. causing a breif period where the potential is more negative than the resting potential.
    3. a breif refractory period occurs after an action potential.
    4. during this the membrane cannot conduct another action potential.
    5. this is because the sodium-potassium pump needs to restore the balance of ions for resting potential.
  • what is the importance of the refractory period?
    • ensures action potentials are unidirectioinal.
    • ensures action potentials are seperate from each other.
    • limits the number of action potentials.
  • synapses are junctions betwen neurones which use a neurotrasmitter to transmit information across a synaptic cleft from one neurone to the next.
  • Chloinergic synapses use acetylcholine (ACh) as a neurotransmitter
  • Action potential across a synapse
    1. Action potential arrives at the pre-synaptic bulb causing Na+ channels open & depolarise the axon terminal
    2. Voltage gated Ca2+ channels open & allow Ca2+ to enter the synaptic bulb
    3. Ca2+ causes vesicles containing acetylcholine to fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane & release ACh across the synaptic cleft
    4. ACh binds to receptors on the post-synaptic membrane causing chemical gated Na+ channels to open so Na+ enter & depolarise the post-synaptic membrane
    5. If the excitatory potential exceeds a threshold, an action potential is generated
    6. Acetylcholine is broken down by acetylcholinesterase & leaves the receptor
    7. The components of ACh diffuse back to the pre-synaptic cell & are used to reform acetylcholine using ATP
  • how is the pre-synaptic bulb adapted to its function?
    • many mitochondria - to supply ATP for ACh reformation.
    • many ACh vesicles - to be able to trigger an action potential.
    • many SER - to produce lipids as part of vesicles for fusion with the membrane.
    • voltage gated Ca2+ channels - so Ca2+ can enter and cause fusion of ACh vesicles.
  • synapses ensure nerve impulses are unidirectional because the receptor for acetylchloine are only on the post synaptic cell & vesicles containing ACh are only in the pre synaptic neurone.
  • a neurone that synapses to multiple post-synaptic neurones is known as divergense.
  • when many pre-synaptic neurones synapse with one post-synaptic neurone its known as convergense.
  • what are the types of summation?
    • temporal
    • spatial
  • temporal summation is when several potentials are received in a row, generating high enough to exceed a threshold and cause an action potential
  • spatial summation is when several presynaptic neurones contribute to exceeding a threshold and causing an action potential.
  • synapses can be excitatory or inhibitory
  • cholinergic synapses (use ACh) or adrenergic synapses (use noradrenaline) are excitatory synapses.
  • inhibitory synapses:
    • may act by opening Cl- channels allowing Cl- to diffuse into the post-synaptic membrane.
    • leading to hyperpolarisation (-90mV)
    • this ensures muscles work in antagonistic pairs (one at a time)