Process that plants and algae use to make their own food. This makes plants producers.
Explain why photosynthetic organisms are producers of biomass
Photosynthetic organisms are the main producers of food and therefore biomass
What is biomass?
Mass of living material at a particular stage in a food chain
What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide + water —> glucose + oxygen
What is the symbol equation for photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
What energy does photosynthesis use?
Light energy: is absorbed by chlorophyll, which transfers to chemical energy stored in sugars produced.
Why is photosynthesis an endothermic reaction? (reaction that absorbs heat)
Energy is transferred from the environment to chloroplasts by light, and requires energy from the sun.
What is glucose used for in plants?
cellular respiration
making something out of glucose
Making amino acids
Making oils and fats
What cellular respiration does for the plant
Cellular respiration breaks glucose down to release energy when photosynthesis traps the suns light energy. This is done by cells to release energy when needed.
What things does the plant make things out of glucose?
the plant can make cellulose, which is a complex carbohydrate which can strengthen the cell walls
or starch which has no particular function, but is compact and insoluble which plants store to break down into glucose later , as starch wont draw water in through osmosis. This is mostly done when photosynthesis isnt donemuch eg. in the night: winter
Why is glucose used to make amino acids?
Amino acids are made by combining glucose molecules and nitrate ions found in the soil.
Amino acids allow proteins to be made for the plant
Why is glucose used to make fats and oils?
They are made to be stored as a future energy source, which is mainly needed when making seeds
What is a plants growth rate dependent on?
How fast it can photosynthesise as glucose is essential for plants
Where do plants get their reactants from?
Carbon dioxide diffuses through the leaves through the stomata
Water is taken up by the roots from the soil, and is diffused into the root hair cells by osmosis. It is then transported to the leaves by the xylem
What adaptions does the leaf have for photosynthesis?
Has a largesurfacearea to absorb more light
Has a stomata (tiny holes on the skin of the leaf) to allow carbon dioxideinto the leaf and oxygen out.
The leaf is thin, so there is a short distance for carbondioxide to diffuse into leaf cells
Network of veins to support the leaf and transport water and mineral ions
Waxycoating of cuticle to prevent waterloss by evaporation
What is the thin epidermis function?
To allow more light to reach palisade cells
What is the thin cuticle made out of wax’s function?
To protect the leaf from infection, and prevent waterloss without blocking out light
What is the spongy mesophyll layer’s function?
It has air spaces to allow gases to diffuse through the leaf
What is the Palisade cell layer’s function?
It is at the top of the leaf, to absorb more light and increase the rate if photosynthesis