SB6b- Factors affecting Photosynthesis

Cards (13)

  • What is rate of reaction?
    The speed at which a chemical reaction takes place.
  • What are the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis?
    • Light intensity
    • Temperature
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Chlorophyll
  • What is the light intensity practical?
    • You can investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis
    • This can be done by measuring the change in PH solution around algal balls
    • The PH changes because carbon dioxide forms an acidic solution, and photosynthesis changes the concentration of carbon dioxide in the solution
  • What are the limiting factors of photosynthesis?
    1. Light intensity
    2. Carbon dioxide
    3. Temperature
  • As light intensity increases, so does the rate of photosynthesis, but only increases up to a point, but then plateaued, which means something else is limiting photosynthesis.
  • Light intensity or Carbon dioxide graph
  • Temperature graph
  • How is temperature a limiting factor of photosynthesis?
    At first the rate of photosynthesis rises because enzymes can work more quickly because molecules can move faster.
    After a while, enzymes begin to denature and rate of photosynthesis decreases
  • How can famers artificially create good temperature conditions required for photosynthesis?
    Use greenhouses in colder climates as it traps the suns heat and increases the temperature. It is also enclosed, therefore no pests can get to the plants
  • How can farmers artificially create good CO2 conditions required for photosynthesis?
    Use a paraffin heater, which releases heat and CO2 as it burns
  • How can farmers artificially create good light conditions needed for photosynthesis?
    -Use artificial light therefore photosynthesis can continue day and night
  • What is the inverse square law?
    The intensity of light decreases proportionally to the square of the distance from its source
  • What is the light intensity equation?