Involuntary Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another person without intent to kill or cause grievous bodily harm
Unlawful manslaughter
D lacks the mens rea of murder but kills v in cause of committing an unlawful and objectively criminal act.
(UAM )Actus Reas
1)an unlawful act
2)objectively dangerous
3)caused death
(UAM)Men’s rea
D requires the men’srea for unlawful and dangerous act not necessary to prove d foresaw harm.
1 (UAM) unlawful act
Must be a criminal offence civilwrong or an omisson will not suffice. battery ? Assault ? ABH ? reckless ? (Lowe - 1973) ,( Lamb - 1967).
2 (UAM)Objectivelydangerousact
An unlawful act must be dangerous (objectivetest) doesn't matter what D thought even if they thought there was no risk . (Church test) “ such as all sober and reasonable people would recognise must subject person to at-least risk of some harm “.
2 (UAM) Objectively dangerous act
R v Birstow (2013) D not realize his acts are dangerous as long as reasonable person would.
R v Larkin
R v Dawson (1985) risk of physical harm emotional fear not enough to suffice .
R v Watson (1989) sober and reasonable person has same knowledge as D at the scene .
3 (UAM) cause of death
Unlawful dangerous act must cause the death. Factual causation - " but for "( R v White). Legal causation - operative and substantial cause (R v Cheshire). Acts of a 3rd party ( R v Paggett ) .
4 (UAM) men's rea
Must be proved that d had the men's rea for dangerous unlawful act not necessary to prove that d foresaw and harm . ( Newbury & Jones - 1976). Direct - (Mohan) . Indirect (Woolin) .
(UAM) conclusion therefore d is likely to be held liable for unlawful act manslaughter .