Outline the nature-nurture debate
Nature aspect is rooted in nativist theory - knowledge/abilities are innate as determined by biology.
Genes provide the blueprint for all behaviours; some present from birth, others pre-programmed to emerge with age.
An individual's behaviour is determined by the environment- the things people teach them, the things they observe, and because of the different situations they are in.
Relative importance of hereditary and environment
Hereditary coefficient shows to what extent something has a genetic bias within the ranges 0-1.0, (1 being entirely genetically determined)
The interactionalist approach
Both are important. The diathesis-stress model suggests biological vulnerability that is triggered by an environmental stressor. Tienari et al 2004, Finnish adoptees study, those with a relative more likely to be vulnerable and with a 'dysfunctional' family relationship.
Epigenetics --> changes to our genetic activity without changing our genetic code, these can also be passed down through generations; Dias and Ressler 2014 rats offspring phobic of acetophenone as mother was conditioned.