ir spectroscopy

Cards (8)

  • OH alcohols are very broad and are further to 3000
  • OH acids are very broad, but with C-H signals so making the bumpy and closer to 3000
  • C=O are often narrow but very strong and are to the left side of the peak
  • C=C bonds are narrow, quite small and on the right side of 1750
  • the basics of inra-red spectroscopy
    • the frequencies at which they vibrate are in the infra-red region of the electromagnetic spectrum
    • if the ir light is passed through the compound, it will absorb some or all the light at the frequencies at which the bond vibrates
    • the IR light is measured in wavenumbers 1/frequency
  • basics of IR spectroscopy
    • all bonds vibrate at a characteristic frequency ( stretching, contracting aswell as bending vibrations are the common types)
    • the frequency depends on the mass of the atoms in the bond , the bond strength and the type of vibration
  • two main things you need to do with the infra-red spectra
    1. use the finger print region
    2. identify functional groups
  • using the finger print region
    • below 1500cm
    • complicated and contains many signals
    • used to identify compounds as its unique for every compound
    • used to check is a compound is pure to check if theyre identical