Interrelationships between markets

Cards (7)

  • what does a competitive market operate through ?
    interactions of different types of supply and demand
  • how does change for demand for goods and services affect other markets ?
    firms move away from markets where demand has fallen and into others that have a rise in demand = increase in supply as firms move into new markets = more competition
  • what is derived demand?
    when the demand for one good is linked to the demand of a related good as it comes from it e.g demand for bricks is derived demand for building houses
  • what is composite demand?
    when the good demanded has more than one use
    • e.g milk
    • increase in demand for cheese = more cheese supplied
    • but less butter can be supplied
    • = increase in price of milk as there are competing uses
  • what is joint supply?
    the production of one product creates a by-product which can also be supplied
    • e.g increase production of lamb = increased production of wool
    • = decrease in price for both products
  • what is joint demand?
    this is when good are bought together
    • e.g increased demand for digital camera = increased demand for memory cards
  • how does demand for substitute goods be affected?
    • if price of original good increases , the demand for substitute good will increase
    • if price of original good decreases , the demand for substitute good decreases