fde cycle

Cards (5)

  • label
    A) address
    B) program counter
    C) mar
    D) incremented
    E) 1
    F) address of the next instruction
    G) fetched
    H) control unit
    I) signal
    J) address bus
    K) memory address
    L) instruction
    M) data
    N) data bus
    O) mdr
    P) copied
    Q) cir
    R) decoded
    S) executed
    T) acc
    U) program counter
  • label
    A) next
    B) memory
    C) fetch
    D) retrieve
    E) execute
    F) fetched
    G) stored
    H) executed
    I) result
  • The control unit decodes the instruction, determining which operation needs to be performed and which operands are involved.
  • address bus: sends a memory address (from cpu to ram) of where the data is stored
    data bus: transfers data between both components. data is sent both ways
    control bus: sends control signals from the control unit to other components of the system.status signals are sent back to the cpu
  • During the execute stage ofthe cycle, the CPU will carry out the instruction that was fetched Some examples that would take place at this stage are
    1. Performing a calculation
    2. Storing a result or data back in main memory (RAM)
    3. Going to main memory to fetch data from a differentlocation