Respiratory Physiology

Cards (97)

  • Function of Respiration
    • Gas Exchange between external environment & body to obtain O2 and eliminate CO2
    • Regulate acid-base balance
    • Respiration includes all events involved in gas exchange
  • General organization of the respiratory system
    • An air pump for alveolar ventilation
    • A surface for gas exchange (alveoli)
    • A mechanism to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
    • A circulatory system
    • A mechanism for locally regulating the distribution of air and blood flow
    • A mechanism for centrally regulating ventilation
  • External & Internal Respiration
    1. External respiration: exchange of O2 and CO2 between atmosphere and body tissues
    2. Internal respiration: use of O2 in mitochondria to generate ATP by oxidative phosphorylation, with CO2 as the waste product
  • Ventilation
    1. Main purpose: maintain optimal composition of alveolar gas
    2. Alveolus acts as a buffer compartment between atmosphere and capillary blood, with O2 removed by blood and CO2 added, replenished, and removed by ventilation
  • Nonrespiratory Functions of Respiratory System
    • Filter against thrombi and emboli
    • Metabolic organ (e.g., converts Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II, produces surfactant)
    • Shock-absorber for the heart, enhances venous return
    • Alters the pH of blood
    • Route for water loss and heat elimination
    • Blood reservoir
    • Provides airflow for speech, singing, and other vocalizations
  • Respiratory System
    • Consists of airways leading into the lungs, lungs, and structures in the thorax for producing movement of air through airways
  • Respiratory Airways
    • Tubes that carry air between the atmosphere and alveoli, including nasal passages, pharynx, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli clustered at the ends of terminal bronchioles
  • Airway diameter regulation

    • Regulated by smooth muscle innervation, circulating hormones, and local chemicals
  • Conducting Zone
    • Leads inspired air to gas exchange regions, includes trachea and first 16 generations of airways without alveoli, blood-gas barrier, or gas exchange
  • Respiratory Zone
    • Last 7 generations of airways, site of gas exchange with 300 million alveoli, where the blood-gas barrier is present
  • Conducting Zone
    • Functions: distributes air evenly, warms and humidifies inspired air, defense mechanism with mucus
  • Respiratory Zone
    • Large surface area, thin-walled with one layer of flattened Type I alveolar cells, total blood-gas barrier is 2 cells across
  • Respiratory Zone
    • Large surface area (60-80 m2)
    • Thin-walled with one layer of flattened Type I alveolar cells
    • Total blood-gas barrier is 2 cells across (Alveolar epithelium, interstitial fluid, capillary endothelium)
    • Type II alveolar cells secrete surfactant
    • Alveolar macrophages guard lumen
    • Pores of Kohn permit airflow between adjacent alveoli (collateral ventilation)
  • Alveoli
    • Saturated with water vapor
    • Moving staircase of mucus
  • Lungs
    • Superior tip is apex, just deep to clavicle
    • Concave inferior surface resting on diaphragm is the base
    • Lung tissue (parenchyma) consists of airways, alveoli, blood vessels, elastic connective tissue
  • Thorax
    • Thoracic cage consists of ribs, spine, sternum, thoracic vertebrae
    • Internal and external intercostal muscles connect the 12 rib pairs
    • Sternocleidomastoids and scalenes connect the head and neck to the first 2 ribs
    • Diaphragm is a dome-shaped skeletal muscle separating thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
  • Pleural fluid
    1. Lubricates pleural surfaces
    2. Causes pleural surfaces to adhere together
  • A pleural sac separates each lung from the thoracic wall
  • Intrapleural fluid creates a slippery surface allowing lungs to slide against the thoracic wall
  • Because of cohesive forces, when the chest expands, lungs are compelled to follow
  • Pleural fluid acts as a lubricant and allows the lungs and chest to expand as a single unit
  • Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of the air in the atmosphere (760 mm Hg at sea level)
  • Intrapulmonary pressure is the pressure inside the alveoli
  • Intrapleural pressure is the pressure in the pleural fluid, normally less than intra-alveolar pressure
  • Transmural pressure is the pressure difference across the wall (transpulmonary pressure = across lung wall = Palveolar - Pintrapleural)
  • Transmural pressure gradient is an important reason lungs follow the chest
  • Transpulmonary pressure makes it easier to accomplish lung expansion
  • The transmural pressure gradient and intrapleural fluid's cohesiveness help keep the lung & chest from pulling away from each other except to the slightest degree
  • Pneumothorax, or "air in chest," can lead to collapse of alveoli (atelectasis)
  • If there is an opening in the chest wall, air enters the pleural space, causing the lungs and thorax to separate and assume their natural positions
  • Common symbols in respiratory physiology denote physical quantities
  • Lung collapse
    1. Transpulmonary pressure gradient lost
    2. Intrapleural fluid’s cohesiveness cannot hold lungs and wall
    3. Lungs and thorax separate and assume their natural positions
    4. Collapse of alveoli – atelectasis
  • Primary symbols in respiratory physiology
    • P: pressure, tension or partial pressure of a gas
    • V: volume of a gas
    • F: fractional concentration of a gas
    • Q: volume of blood
    • C: content
  • Secondary symbols in respiratory physiology
    • A: alveolar
    • a: arterial
    • B: barometric
    • D: dead space
    • E: expiratory
    • I: inspiratory
    • ip: pleural
    • v: venous
  • Tertiary symbols in respiratory physiology
    • O2: oxygen
    • CO2: carbon dioxide
    • N2: nitrogen
  • A dot (.) above a symbol denotes a rate
  • To alter lung volumes, we need:

    1. Respiratory muscles to change size of thoracic cavity
    2. Overcome tissue elastance
    3. Overcome surface tension within alveoli
  • Air flows down a pressure gradient
  • Intra-alveolar pressure can be altered by changing the volume of the lungs
  • Boyle’s Law: "the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely related"