Female Reproductive System

Cards (21)

  • Ovaries
    female gonads, produce estrogen and progesterone, release one egg once a month
  • Ovum(egg)

    larger than sperm, more cytoplasm and nutrients, lots of mitochondria, fertile for 24 hours
  • Oviducts
    site of fertilization, receives egg from ovary
  • Fimbriae
    bring egg into the oviduct
  • Myometrium
    muscle layer that supports baby and moves it into the birth canal
  • Endometrium
    blood vessel lining, provides nourishment for embryo, sheds during period
  • Embryo Pregnancy
    sperm enters egg and embryo implants in endometrium
  • Embryo No Pregnancy
    endometrium sheds
  • Cervix
    holds fetus in place during pregnancy
  • Vagina Functions
    birth canal and sexual intercourse
  • External Genitalia
    labia majora, labia minora and clitoris
  • Egg Pathway
    ovary, fimbriae, oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina
  • pee pee
  • Menstrual Cycle
    28 days, ovulation cycle and uterine cycle
  • Flow Phase (days 1-5)
    hormones levels low, causing endometrium to be shed, she effects are headaches, cramps, bloating and mood changes
  • Follicular Phase (days 6-13)
    increase of FSH levels, new follicle matures and secrete estrogen causing the release of LH. endometrium thickens
  • Ovulation Phase (day 14ish)
    LH causes ovulation, release of egg
  • Luteal Phase (day 15-28)
    follicle cell forms corpus luteum which secretes progesterone and estrogen
  • Progesterone
    inhibits further ovulation and maintains thickness of endometrium and prevent contractions
  • FSH
    secreted by the anterior pituitary, stimulates the development of follicle
  • LH
    secreted by the anterior pituitary, causes ovulations and the development of corpus luteum