Human Development

Cards (34)

  • Prenatal
    before birth, divided into three trimesters (3 months each)
  • Stage One
    zygote begins cleavage which is rapid cell division without enlargment, then turns into a morula, the 16 cell stage
  • Stage 2
    blastocyst made out of 2 layers, trophoblast (outer) and embyroblast (inner), when implantation occurs
  • Trophoblast
    becomes the chorion, secretes enzymes that digest the endometrium for implantation and secretes hCG
  • hCG
    maintains corpus luteum (no menstruation)
  • Embryoblast
    inner cell mass, develops into embryo
  • Stage 3
    gastrulation, the start of morphogenesis and differentiation that form 3 layers
  • Ectoderm
    nervous system and skin (epidermis)
  • Mesoderm
    skeleton, muscles and reproductive structures
  • Endoderm
    lining of digestive and respiratory systems and endocrine glands
  • Chorion
    formed from trophoblast cells, outer membrane that forms fetal part of placenta
  • Chorionic Villi
    projections of the chorion that go into endometrium (implantation)
  • Placenta
    temporary organ that allows for exchange between mom and baby, provides passive immunity, produces progesterone, estrogen and hCG
  • Mom to Baby
    O2 and nutrients
  • Baby to Mom
    CO2 and waste
  • Amnion
    sack filled with amniotic fluid that cushions embryo and regulates temperature
  • Allantois
    forms umbilical cord that connects fetus to placenta
  • Yolk Sac
    produces first blood cells and becomes apart of digestive tract
  • First Trimester
    neurulation, neural tube becomes CNS, organs are formed, cartilage skeleton formed
  • Second Trimester
    heart beat detected, bones form, brain begins to form limbs grow
  • Third Trimester
    brain grows rapidly, testes descend, fat layer grows, digestive and respiratory system mature
  • Teratogen
    substance disrupts normal fetus, most harmful in the first 9 weeks
  • Thalidomide
    helped with morning sickness but caused deformed babies with flipper like arms
  • Estrogen and Progesterone during Pregnancy

    first produced by the corpus luteum then the placenta, breast grow and morning sickness
  • Relaxin
    produced by placenta, hips widen
  • Pregnancy Changes
    increased urination, difficulty breathing, blood volume and pressure increase
  • Do estrogen levels increase or decrease during onset?
  • What other hormone is produced during onset?
  • Oxytocin
    causes contractions, drops after birth
  • Dilation
    amnion breaks (water breaks) cervix opens, can take between 2-20 hours
  • Expulsion
    pushing phase, can take around 0.5-2 hours
  • Placental
    placenta and umbilical cord are pushed out, 10-15 minutes after
  • Lactation
    formation and secretion of breastmilk
  • What is released and from where during lactation?
    prolactin from the anterior pituitary