XML (extended markup language) - simpler version of SGML for web
SGML (standardized generalized markuplanguage) - regarded as structured objects
RTF (rich text format) - text plus formatting and layout information
UTF - 8-bit encoding of 16 bit character set
ASCII - 7-bit binary code for to each letter and character
Audio/Video • lots of formats : (QuickTime, MPEG,
WAV, etc.)
• compression even more important
• also ‘streaming’ formats for network
Images • many storage formats : (PostScript,
• plus different compression techniques
(to reduce their storage requirements)
FINITE PROCESSING SPEED • Designers tend to assume fast processors, and
make interfaces more and more complicated
network delays – slow feedback
conflicts - many people update data o unpredictability
NETWORKED COMPUTING • Networks allow access to:
o large memory and processing
o other people (groupware, email)
o shared resources – esp. the web
• Issues
o network delays
o conflicts
INTERNET • the global system of interconnected
computer networks that uses the Internet
protocol suite
INTERNET • the global system of interconnected
computer networks that uses the Internet
protocol suite
common language (protocols): o TCP – Transmission Control protocol
o lower level, packets (like letters)
between machines
o IP – Internet Protocol
o reliable channel (like phone call)
between programs on machines
o email, HTTP, all build on top of these