Unit 3

Cards (71)

  • Renaissance: the revival of European art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries, new and old ideas were spread.
  • Where did the Renaissance start?
    Florence, Italy
  • Causes of the Renaissance - Decrease of population and the crusades
  • Impact of the Renaissance - Humanism, different ideas and viewpoints rose, things became more available because of the decrease in population
  • Humanism - a way of life centered on human inerests and values
  • Patron - an anonymous artist that created art for a specific purpose, such as a church or a king.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci - Mona Lisa and the Last Supper
  • Nicooloco Machiavelli - "The Prince"
  • Michelangelo - Pieta, Statue of David
  • Raphel - School of Athens
  • Botticelli - The Folorine Painter and Draughtsman
  • Gutenberg - invented the printing press, which allowed for the mass production of books.
  • Dante - "The Divine Comedy" - "Inferno
  • Shakespeare - Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet
  • Secularism - the belief that religion should not have a role in the state
  • How did Copernicus change the way people viewed the world ?

    He showed the heliocentric ( sun centered ) model rather than the geocentric( earth centered ) model.
  • Ways the printing press impacted the world: Increased literacy, spread of ideas, and the ability to publish books
  • How / Why did the Renaissance move from Italy to Northern Europe?
    Trade, and the printing press made news and ideas spread faster
  • Causes of the Reformation: The Pope's authority was challenged by Martin Luther.
  • Indulgences - A way of paying for sins by buying a certificate from the church
  • What was Martin Luther best known for?
    His 95 theses
  • The 3 G's - Gold, God, and Glory
  • Gold - people wanted to be rich and how a lot of money
  • God - people wanted to convert and spread Christianity
  • Glory - people wanted to be famous
  • Spanish Colonization: Colonized Hispaniola, Cuba, Caribbean Island, Mexico and Peru. They wanted gold and other precious metals like silver and diamonds.
  • English Colonization: First successful colony was in Jamestown, VA, also settled in Plymouth, MA. The fought for Ohio against France and England won the conflict and gained territory to the Mississippi River. They hoped to find precious metals and a route to the Pacific. Also wanted religious freedom from England.
  • French Colonization: Colonized Canada "New France" and Mississippi Region to the Gulf of Mexico. They hoped to find precious metals, but instead made a fortune from fishing and the fur trade.
  • Dutch Colonization: Colonized some areas of the Caribbean, including New Amsterdam. They wanted to achieve wealth like Spain form natural resources, and also traded fur.
  • Advances in technology: Compass, Ships, Caravels
  • Aztec - Located in Central Mexico, capital was Technotillian. They created pyramids, a calendar and herbal medicine.
  • Incas - Located in the Andes Mountains, South America. Their major city was Cuzco and their innovations included Quipu and Machu Picchu.
  • Maya - Located in MesoAmerica, major cities were Tikal and Copan. They created they Mayan calendar, Terrence building, slash and burn agriculture, written languages, glyphs and a codex.
  • How did European Exploration contribute to the population decline of the Natives?
    Europeans brought diseases that the Natives were not as immune to.
  • Mita: common labor tax that Incan commoners had to pay
  • Reason for ““walls splashed and caked with blood…stank abominably”?
    What the Europeans thought of the Aztechs and their human sacrifices
  • New to Old World?
    Llamas, potatoes, and tobacco
  • Old World to New?
    Disease, Domestic beasts of burden and coffee
  • Triangular trade - A system of trade in which Europeans traded slaves from Africa to the Americas
  • Mercantilism - maximizing exports rather than imports, profitable trade with other countries