Cascade of signals. Phosphorylation drives signal transduction. Phosphorylation is the addition of phosphate group to one or more sites on the protein. Amino acids: Tyrosine (Tyr, Y), Serine (Ser, S), Threonine (Thr,T). ATP = adenosine triphosphate
Ligands fit into a specific pocket, resulting in the activation of other responses. Ligand proteins as growth factors: Growth-stimulating factors or mitogens induce cells to proliferate. Examples: Epidermal growth factor (EGF) - Stimulates growth of epithelial cells (EGF receptors or EGF-R), Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) - Stimulates growth of fibroblasts, adipocytes
Activation of RTKs in cancer can be due to gain-of-function mutations, protein overexpression, autocrine ligand production, release, and fusion proteins
Cytokine receptor molecules will dimerize in response to ligand binding, then the Jaks will phosphorylate and activate each other. The activated Jaks will phosphorylate the C-terminal tails of the receptor molecules, thereby creating receptors that will emit signals
TGF-β receptors have an extracellular binding domain, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic kinase domain. CIS will proceed to phosphorylate heterodimers, cytosolic proteins that migrate to the nucleus
Notch receptor tries to engulf the delta ligand. Protein cleavage is critical for signaling to occur on site. No longer transmembrane domain tethered to plasma membrane
Patched-Smoothened Receptor System: Drosophila genetics led to these types of names: Patched, Hedgehog, etc. It keeps it away from the primary. Cilic binds to patched and relieves Smoothened. Translocates to the nucleus. Active repressor. Transcriptional promoter
Wnt/Frizzled Receptor System: Related to wingless. Needs to be present to bind to WNT (Kinase). Mutated APC can be passed on to offspring. Becomes stabilized and accumulates as B-catenin is not being phosphorylated. B-catenin can drive cancer if it's related
Key points: Deregulation of cell signaling is central to the formation of cancer. Tyrosine phosphorylation is key in transduction of mitogenic signaling. RTKs are activated by transphosphorylation. Many non-RTK receptors are involved in the formation of cancer: Frizzled, Patched-Smoothened, TGF-β, etc.