State of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
A state of being comfortable, happy or healthy
Physical health
Relates to the functioning of the body and its systems
Social health
Relates to the ability to formmeaningful and satisfyingrelationships
Mental health
Relating to the mind or brain and the ability to think and process info
Emotional health
Ability to expressfeelings in a postive way
Spiritual health
Relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the minds and conscience of human being
Age perpectives
Early primary school (prep - grade 4)
Focus on growing up and being safe
Age perspectives
Young people (8-15)
listed diet, nutrition, weight, healthy food and junk food. Sports and fitness also mentioned
Age perspectives
Young adults (15-24)
body image and physical appearance
online profiles are influential for building perceptions
Age perspectives
Early adulthood (25-39)
positive body image = good health and wellbeing
Age perspectives
Middle adulthood (40-64)
being free from illness and disease
Age perspectives
Later adulthood (65+)
illness prevention
live independently with a degree of mobility
Age priorities
Priorities are set by parents and carers
Age priorities
Early teenage
priorities start to be set by individuals
Social health often a key priority - important on friends rather than family
Age priorities
Early teenage years
Priorities start to be set by individuals
Social health often a key priority - importance on friends rather than family
Age priorities
Youth (12-17)
physical health (weight, fitness, diet)
importance of relationships and peer acceptance (peer pressure, risk-taking behaviour)
good mental health
Age priorities
Early adulthood (18-39
fitness, weight control, body image
managing emotions
Age priorities
Middle adulthood (40-64)
health preventative practices
Age priorities
Later adulthood (65+)
keeping physically active in order to maintain mobility
preventative health practices
maintain cognitive functioning
Gender perspectives
encompasses all dimensions
proactive, preventative and based on sought knowledge and understanding
Gender perspectives
Physical dimension - fitness
female health priorities
physical health
mental health
male health priorities
physical health
physical appearance
western health perspectives

divides health from disease
western health priorities
professional medical practise
lower socio-economic health perspectives
less informed view
health and wellbeing comes second
lower socio-economic health priorities
prioritise shelter, food, education and employment before personal health and wellbeing
higher socio-economic health perspectives

more informed view
higher socio-economic health priorities
prioritise personal health and wellbeing
Catholicism health priorities
meaningful intimate relationships
enhancing aspects of social health and wellbeing
hinduism health perspectives
community worship
helping the needy
welfare of society seen as more important than the individual
hinduism health priorities
spiritual health and wellbeing
connection to culture promotion within indigenous youth
promotes sense of belonging
spiritual health
positive social experiences\
cultural variations in health perspectives and priorities
different culture have different perspectives on health and wellbeing
Australian health perspectives
social factors
how religion influences health beliefs
diet, which can influence physical health
religious practices linked to stress reduction due to providing peace of mind
aboriginal and torres strait islander perspectives on health and well-being
not just physical wellbeing of an individuals, but refers to the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the whole community.
aboriginal perspective and diagnostic approach to health
health is holistic. physical health is influenced by the social, emotional and cultural well-being of both individuals and the wider community.
Not only will socioeconomic status, education levels, nutrition and behavioural factors influence a persons health; to will their connection to their country, community, family and culture.
you can't seperate the types of health and wellbeing as one view influences the other
aboriginal and torres strait islander health and wellbeing priorities
holistic appraoch
physical, mental, spiritual and cultural health
connection to the land, community support, traditional practices
overall well-being, not just the absence of illness