A field of study concerned about how reproductive roles are interpreted and negotiated in society through gender. Identity markers include ethnicity, race, religion, nation, and sexuality
Social Research
The process of investigating social realities. Examples include Census and investigation of agricultural lands
Research approach
The orientation in understanding social realities. It can be qualitative (interpretive), quantitative (deductive), or both
Ethics in research
Considerations in conducting research to ensure the well-being of participants and the soundness of the study outcome without undue harm to those involved
Gender studies is about looking into, analyzing, and examining society to notice power relations in seemingly simple things
Gender is a big part of individual and societal social organization, often unnoticed, with gender roles playing a significant role in different cultures and historical times
Gender studies emerged in the mid-1970s to analyze how gender, sex, and sexuality impact lives, particularly in creating gender inequality
Gender roles are sets of culturally defined behaviors such as masculinity and femininity, which are not fixed and may vary across cultures and time periods
In gender studies, there is a challenge to disrupt and question social expectations, gender roles, and gender norms
Gender Studies is not just for women but for everyone, exploring how gender roles have changed throughout history and created inequalities
Society encourages or reprimands behaviors to make individuals adapt to social expectations, leading to the normalization of gender roles
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people often face discrimination and violence for not fitting traditional binary gender roles
Gender studies analyze the creation and maintenance of gender norms to prevent inequalities in social, political, and economic spheres
Gender Studies and Research
Utilizes a systematic approach in identifying problems
Gender studies
Allows us to analyze the creation and maintenance of gender norms to prevent inequalities in social, political, and economic spheres
Research process in Gender Studies
1. Identifying problems
2. Making hypotheses and assumptions
3. Gathering data
4. Making conclusions
Qualitative approach in Gender Studies
Focuses on meanings created and interpretations made by people about their experiences