Unit 12

Cards (10)

  • CPU scheduling
    CPU scheduler chooses which tasks process to run first from the ready queue. This is done to ensure the CPU is not idle
  • Aims of scheduling
    • Fairness, ensures that all processes get a fair share of the CPU
    • Efficiency, maximise CPU utilization
    • Response time, minimise and maintain a consistent response time
    • Turnaround time, minimise time between submission and job completion
    • Throughput, maximise number of jobs completed in a time frame
  • Pre-emptive scheduling
    Allows running processes to be temporarily suspended, the processes will release the CPU when receiving a command

    Types of pre-emptive scheduling:
    • Round robin
    • Multilevel queue
    • Multilevel feedback queue
  • Non-pre-emptive scheduling
    Processes release CPU upon task completion, it releases CPU voluntarily
    Types of non-pre-emptive scheduling:
    • First in first out/first come first serve
    • Shortest job first
    • Priority
  • Round robin
    • Long avg wait time
    • Process switch requires times
    • If time quantum is too short, it reduces CPU efficiency
    • If time quantum is too long, it causes poor response time to requests
  • Multilevel queue
    • Classifies processes into different groups
    • Ready queue separated into several separate queues
    • A process is permanently assigned to a queue based on priority, size, and process type
    • Has priority over low level queues
  • Multilevel feedback queue
    • Processes can move between queues
    • If a process uses too much CPU time, it will be moved to a lower priority
    • If a process lacks CPU time, it will be moved to a higher priority
  • FIFO
    • Simplest CPU scheduling algorithm
    • The process that requests the CPU first is allocated to CPU first
    • Avg wait time is quite long
  • SJF
    • Scheduling is done by examining the length of the next CPU burst of a process
    • If CPU is free, the process with the smallest next CPU burst is assigned
    • If 2 processes have same CPU burst, it will implement FIFO|
    • Short avg wait time
  • Priority
    • Priority is associated with each process
    • CPU is allocated the job with the highest priority
    • Equal priority processes are scheduled with FIFO
    • A problem of this algorithm is starvation