Human beings are biological systems. Our behaviour can be explained by our biology.
Brain, hormones, genetics
Sociocultural Approach
Behaviour of one or a few people can affect the behaviour and attitude of another. Group behaviours + interactions, impacts of culture
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Ethics committee, consent, deception (none), debriefing, right to withdraw, confidentiality (and anonymity), protection from harm
Informed consent
an ethical principle that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate.
Protection from harm
the right of research participants to be protected from physical or psychological harm.
Data collected and the fact of participation in the study must remain unknown to any third parties.
Right to Withdraw
participants are free to withdraw from the study at any time they want.
Cerebral cortex
The convoluted outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres.
Perception, language, learning, memory, thinking, planning, problem solving, control of voluntary movements. 70% of brain cells.
Frontal lobe
associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement&control, emotions, and problem solving.
Retains long term memories which are not task based.
temporal lobes
Parts of the cerebrum involved in speech & language.
Memory, hearing, emotion control
Dendrite branching
when neurons sprout out new dendrites as a result of stimulation in the environment.
long-term potentiation
gradual strengthening of synapses from repetitive stimulation
the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Pineal gland
Sleep cycles
Superior colliculus
Responsible for body orientation and eye movements, the dorsal region of the midbrain.
Regulates sleep cycles, respiratory processes and motor control
Cognitive Approach
The products of our biological systems can be seen in our cognitive systems — that is our thoughts, emotions and behaviour.Memory
purposely misleading experiment participants in order to maintain the integrity of the experiment.Must be minimal
After the study, participants must be fully informed about its nature, its true aims, and how the data will be stored and used.
Corpus Callosum
Strand of nerve tissue that connects the two hemispheres.
Main communication pathway
Facilitates the exchange of information
Parietal lobe
Integrates sensory information from different modalities (senses). Visuo-spatial processing. Stimuli related to touch - pain pressure temperature
Occipital lobe
visual processing centreSmallest true lobe
limbic system
Part of temporal lobesConsists of hippocampus and amygdala
Responsible for short to long term (declarative) memory formation and consolidation. Declarative — episodic and semantic
Emotional processing, threat detection and fear.
the "little brain"
Coordination of voluntary movements
Some speech & language
the brain's sensory switchboard, it directs sensory signals to appropriate areas in the brain for processing.
inability to speak.
Broca's area affected.
Broca's area
Speech center - located in frontal lobe (left side)
Wernicke's area
involved in development of language; in the left temporal lobe
synaptic pruning
Occurs when synapse is under stimulated. Brain's way of removing synapses that are no longer needed.
The theory that specific areas of the brain are associated with particularfunctions and behaviours
Case study
a qualitativein-depth study on individuals, groups and institutions over a long period of time — requiring more than one research method. Conducted in the natural environment.
a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell.
A quantitative method in which the researcher observes what happens to the DV. The IV is to be changed naturally or not change at all as it is not ethical.
Often conducted in the natural environment.
Variables cannot be randomly allocated.
Chemicals that transmit information from nerve cells to target cells
Process of neurotransmission
Electrochemical process whereby an electrical signal(action potential) or impulse travels down the axon of a neuron to trigger the release of neurotransmitters which travel across the synapse.
A neurotransmitter that enables learning and memory and also triggers muscle contraction