interpretivists argue that the subject matter of sociology is menaingful social action so has to be interpreted to understand the meanings and motives of people involved
reject the natural sciences method because of the fundamental difference that people construct their world through consciousness
mead - human beings choose how they respond to stimuli rather that automatically responding in the same way each time
individuals are autonomous beings that construct their own social world, not puppets without any control
type of interpretivism - believe we can have causal explanations, but not that we should begin research with definite hypotheses
glaser + strauss - hypotheses risk imposing our own view of what is important on research
favour a bottom-up view in which ideas emerge from observations made throughout the research
type of interpretivism - completely reject the possibility of causal explanations and argue that society isn't a real thing
social reality is just the shared meanings or knowldge of its members so exists only in people's consciousness
people's actions aren't governed by external forces so no causal relationship can be established
interpretivism and suicide
douglas - suicide can only be understood by uncovering its meanings rather than imposing our own on the situation
proposes the use of qualiatative data from case studies that reveal individual actors' true meanings
atkinson - rejects the idea that external facts determine behaviour but believes we can only study the way the living make sense of the deaths
postmodernism and scientific sociology
postmodernists view natural sciences as meta-narratives that are purely accounts of the world rather than a single truth, so there is no reason to accept its theory
there are as many truths as there are points of view so a scientific approach is dangerous as it claims a monopoly of the truth and disregards other views
eg. in the soviet union marxism was used to justify coersion and oppression
feminism and scientific sociology
poststructuralist feminists argue that the idea of a single feminist theory is a form of domination that covertly excludes groups of women
other feminists argue that quantitative methods are oppressive and can't capture the reality of women's experiences
what is a science?
interpretivists do tend to agree with the positivist description of a natural science
however some sociologists, philosophers and historians offer alternative views of science