realism and science

Cards (2)

  • similarities between sociology and science
    keat + urry - science and sociology share similarities because they both study systems, but there are differences in ~
    • closed systems - researchers can control and measure all relevant variables to make precise predictions
    • open systems - the researcher has less control over variables so can make predictions, even if they aren't as precise
    sociologists study open systems which are too complex to make precise predictions
  • underlying structures
    keat + urry - science isn't necessarily purely concerned with observable processes, and often assumes the existence of things that can't be observed eg. physicists can't directly observe inside a black hole
    • this means interpretivists are correct and sociology may be able to be scientific
    • both natural and social sciences explain causes of events with underlying causes and structures that we can work out by observing their effects
    this means a lot of sociology can be scientific, just without controlled closed experiments