Push and Pull Factors: Burkina Faso -> Ivory Coast

Cards (7)

  • Since 2015 there has been a rise in terrorism as people have joined Jihadist terrorist groups. People are leaving due to the high threat of kidnapping and death. July 2020: 12 schools burned down meaning there is a lack of education.
  • Decreased rainfall in Burkina Faso due to climate change has caused severe drought. ​This causes land degradation as the soil dries up and nothing can grow. ​This causes food shortages, malnutrition and death.
  • Increased drought and land degradation is causing the Sahara Desert to spread.​ This reduces farmland. 90% population work in agriculture. ​Farmers cannot make money or afford healthcare and education.
  • People move to Ivory Coast as the wages are higher as the GDP is $2325 compared to Burkina Faso at $893.
  • The literacy rate is 90% meaning young people have the opportunity to go onto higher education to get a better paying job.
  • People move to Ivory Coast from Burkina Faso as they both speak French so the transition is easier.
  • There is better job opportunities in Ivory Coast due to it being the top exporter of cocoa beans and coffee meaning lots of agricultural work.