how do you test for aldehydes and ketones using fehlings?
Aldehydes - blue solution to brick red precipitate
Ketones - no visible change
how do you test for aldehydes and ketones using tollens' reagent?
aldehydes - silver mirror
ketones - no visible change
how do you test for alkenes?
using bromine water
brown -> colourless
how do you test for carboxylic acids?
using carbonate, reacts by the following equation:
CO32- + 2H+ -> CO2 + H2O
bubble gas produced through limewater and it will turn cloudy
what is mass spectrometry used for?
find the relative molecular mass (Mr) of a compound
what do peaks in mass spec show?
peaks show fragments of the original molecule. last peak is the M+1 peak or the molecular ion peak. this is the same as the relative molecular mass of the molecule
what is high resolution mass spectrometry used for?
identifying different molecules with the same molecular mass rounded to the nearest whole number
what does infrared spectrometry use?
infrared radiation to increase the vibrational energy of covalent bonds in a sample
what does the frequency of infrared radiation absorbed by a covalent bond depend on?
1. the atoms that are either side of the bond
2. the position of the bond in the molecule (e.g. OH in alcohols and OH in carboxylic acids)
what is the fingerprint region and where does it lie?
between 500 - 1500cm-1
how is infrared linked to global warming?
greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation and re-emit this back towards the earth