Describe how to measure pH
1. Rinse a burette with 0.1 mol dm -3 solution of ethanol acid and the fill the burette with this solution. Label this burette
2. Use the burette to transfer exactly 20.0 cm3 of ethanoic acid to a clean 100 cm3 beaker.
3. Rinse a second burette with 0.100 mol dm-3 NaOH solution and then fill this second burette with this solution. Label this burette.
4. Rinse the pH probe with distilled (deionised) water and clamp it so that its bulb is fully immersed in the ethanoic acid solution in the beaker.
5. Use a rod to stir the solution gently and record the pH reading in a suitable table
6. Add 2.0 cm3 of NaOH solution from the burette at a time. Stir the solution and record the pH alongside the volume of NaOH added.
7. When the end-point is being reached, add 0.20 cm3 of NaOH each time. Stir the solution and record the pH alongside the volume of NaOH added.
8. After this, continue adding 2.0 cm3 NaOH until it is in excess. Stir the solution and record the pH alongside the volume of NaOH added.