Lazarus and Folkman (1984) hypothesise that males use more problem focused solutions to stress while females use emotion based solutions
Problem focused solutions deal with stress directly and rationally in order to take control of and manage stress
Emotionfocused solutions are centred around dealing with the anxiety associated with stress often through avoidance or socialsupport
Tend or Befriend (Taylor2000) found that instead of fight or flight women tend to offspring or befriend others to gain strength in numbers
Oxytocin is produced in the stress response and promotes feelings of affiliation with others
Research suggests femalehormones like oestrogen increases the activity of oxytocin however androgens (malehormones) reduces it
As oxytocin's effect is increased by femalehormones, women experience a reducedstress response
Peterson (2006) assessed the copingstrategies of men and women who were diagnosed as infertile
Peterson (2006) measured copingstrategies of participants using several methods including Folkman's (1986) ways of copingquestionnaire
Peterson (2006) found women were likely to acceptblame when it came to stress and use avoidancetactics while men were likely to use problemsolving to find solutions
Luckow (1998) looked into 26 studies of seeking socialsupport and found across 25 studies women were more likely to seek socialsupport during stress supporting tend and befriend
Lewis and Linder (2000) found women preferred to seek socialsupport from other women rather than men
Taylor (2002) found higherlevels of oxytocin was linked to lowerlevels of cortisol in women after exposure to a stressfultask
Oxytocin aids the recovery of the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system
Strength; research support from Tamres (2002) who looked into 26 studies comparing stress responses of men and women and found women used socialsupport as a way of promoting caring for others (Tend and BefriendTaylor2000)
Weakness; alphabias as socialsupport could contribute to both emotion and problem focused solutions as it could be used to help find solutions to the stress via advice
Peterson (2006) weakness; betabias and men and women likely react very differently to infertility due to highersocialpressures on women to have children
Peterson (2006) weakness; socialdesirabilitybias due to the use of a questionnaire as participants are likely to lie about how they cope with stress to come across as having more healthycopingmechanisms than they do