Fluid is a substance which can flow and deformed under a small amount of force exerted on it is called fluid. Example of fluid - Liquid and Gas
• A fluid is anything that flows: liquids and gases
• One common characteristic is that fluids have no fixed shape and are easily deformed: take the shape of their containers.
• The density of a substance is the quantity of matter contained in a unit volume of the substance.
• It is the property that determines the degree of hotness or coldness or the level of heat intensity of a fluid. Temperature is measured by using temperature scales.
There are 3 commonly used temperature scales. 1. Celsius (or centigrade) scale
2. Fahrenheit scale
3. Kelvin scale (or absolute temperature scale)
Increasing the shear rate, or the measure of how fast a
liquid is being deformed, tends to decrease viscosity.
The viscosity of liquids generally decreases as temperature increases
Amontons’s law or Gay-Lussac’s law: 'The pressure of a given amount of gas is directly proportional to its temperature on the Kelvin scale when the volume is held constant'
Real fluid: A fluid possessing a viscosity is known as real fluid.
All fluids in actual practice are
real fluids.
Ideal plastic fluid: A fluid, in which shear stress is more
than the yield value and shear
stress is proportional to the
rate of shear strain is known
as ideal plastic fluid.
Newtonianfluid: A real fluid, in which the stress is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain, is known as
Newtonian fluid.
Non-Newtonian fluid: A real fluid in which shear stress is not
proportional to the rate of shear strain is known as NonNewtonian fluid.
Bingham fluid: do not flow at all until threshold shear stress (τ) is attained, and then
flow linearly. Ex: Tooth paste, jellies etc
Pseudo plastic: viscosity of fluid decrease
with increase in velocity gradient. Ex: Rubberlatex etc.
Dilatant: viscosity of fluid increases with
increase in velocity gradient. Ex: Starch in
water, pulp in water.
Thixotropic fluid: Viscosity decreases with
time. Ex: Gelatin, paint, yogurt, cream, etc.