Forms of social support (Schaefer1981) Instrumental, emotional, and esteem
InstrumentalSupport (Schaefer1981) practicalsupport offering help or solutions for the stressfulsituation
Emotionalsupport (Schaefer1981) providing warmth, comfort, and empathy to make the individual experiencingstress feel better
Esteemsupport (Schaefer1981) is reinforcing someones belief in their ability to handle a stressfulsituation
There is crossover between all types of socialsupport (Schaefer1981) EG being a shoulder to cry on can involve providing advice (Instrumental) Comfort (emotional) and encouragement (esteem)
Socialsupport does not have to be physical EG it can be provided via onlinecommunication
Cohen (2015) phoned 404adultparticipants every evening for 14days to see how many hugs (emotionalsupport) they had received through the day
Cohen (2015) had participants complete a questionnaire about how they perceived socialsupport
Cohen (2015) measuredparticipantstress based on dailyconflicts
Cohen (2015) placed participants into quarantine and exposed them to the commoncold under the assumption participants under morestress would get more ill
Cohen (2015) found that perceivedsocialsupport as well as emotionalsupport received through hugs significantly reduced illnesssymptoms
Cohen (2015) weakness; unethical as exposing participants to illness is exposing them to harm
Social support strength; Researchsupport from Fawzy (1993) who allocated participants with melanoma to groups to receive instrumentalsupport via advice and emotionalsupport via expressing feelings and found they were more likely to be cancerfree6yearslater than a control group HOWEVER 10yearslater the difference between these two groups had reduced
Social support weakness; betabias as research shows that there are significantdifferences to how men and women use socialsupport as men are more likely to use instrumentalsupport while women use emotionalsupport
Social support weakness; Emotional and Esteemsupport may be the samethingaidingesteem could just be emotionalencouragement from others
Social support weakness; instrumentalsupport can occasionally have a negativeeffect as badadvice or misinformation could end up in dealing with the stressorimproperly