Module 2

Cards (112)

  • Supply chain
    Consists of a network of firms and locations that begins with raw materials and ends with final users
  • The supply chain consists of suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers.
  • 5 Levels of the Supply Chain
    1. Tier 2 suppliers
    2. Tier 1 suppliers
    3. Manufacturers
    4. Distributors
    5. Retailers
  • Tier 2 suppliers

    Make individual components
  • Tier 1 suppliers

    Make more complex product components
  • Manufacturers
    Products are designed and assembled
  • Distributors
    The step between manufacturers and retailers
  • Retailers
    Provide assortment of products and sometimes assist customers with purchasing decisions
  • Advantages of distributors
    1. Cost effective storage of inventory
    2. Faster delivery of lead times
    3. Smaller order quantities
  • Distribution Centers
    1. Lower price per square meter of storage
    2. Less space Needed for the same amount of product
  • Four Cost Metrics
    Procurement, Labor, Inventory, Transportation
  • Procurement
    Cost of goods purchased from suppliers
  • Labor
    Wages and salaries of the individuals in supply chain functions
  • Inventory
    Storage, maintenance, opportunity costs, obsolescence
  • Transportation
    Ocean/water transport, railroad, trucking, air transport
  • Service Metrics
    Lead Time and Inventory availability
  • Lead time
    Time between an order is about received and when it is delivered
  • In stock availability
    The probability that all demand is served within an interval of time
  • Stock out probability
    The probability that the demand for an item exceeds its inventiry during a period of time
  • Fill Rate
    Fraction of demand satisfied
  • Variability due to demand
    Changes in demand for products over the day
  • Variability due to Supply Chain Performance

    Failure in quantity, quality, finances, and operating practices
  • Variability due to Disruptions
    Natural disruptions, political/economic disruptions
  • Variability due to bullwhip effect
    Tendency for demand to become more volatile at higher levels of the supply chain(Caused by overreactive orderinf, batching, and price promotions)
  • Tactical decisions(short term decisions)
  • Strategic decisions(long term decisions)
  • Efficient supply chain delivers
    1. Low procurement cost
    2. Large lot sizes/inventory
    3. Long lead times
    4. Little flexibility
  • Responsive supply chain delivers
    1. Short lead times
    2. Variety of products and quantities
    3. High service levels
    4. Flexibility of products
  • Goals of Supply Chain Strategy
    1. Reduce variability
    2. Increase flexibility
    3. Reduce costs
  • Inventory
    Physical units within a process that are used for the production of goods or the delivery of services
  • Types of inventory
    1. Raw material inventory
    2. Work in process inventory(WIP)
    3. Finished goods inventory
  • Raw material inventory
    Used as input to a process
  • Work in process inventory
    materials and components used within the process to complete the product
  • Finished goods
    no longer requires additional processing
  • Forecasting
    Forecasting future demand is essential for inventory management
  • Product and Demand Tracking
    Need good data on how much product you have and actual demand to produce good forecasts and implement technology to improve data accuracy
  • Analytical skills

    Use data to make good decisions
  • Product Transportation and Handling Assets
    Resources needed to physically move inventory quickly, safely, and cost effectively
  • Flow time: Since flow time cannot be zero, there is always inventory in a process
  • Production Smoothing due to Seasonality
    When capacity is less than what is needed during peak demand but too much during off-peak times, you can use a production smoothing strategy