Control Structures

Cards (22)

  • Computer programming
    • One of the functions is for communication between humans and computers or machines
    • Key skill to develop for working in robotics
  • Conditional statement
    Allows performing different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false
  • Conditional control structures
    • Make conditions or expressions that evaluate to either true or false
    • Mostly used to determine program flow through if statements and while loops
  • Control Structures Common Syntax
    • digitalWrite()
    • delay()
    Executes any statement inside the brackets { } if the conditional statement is true. If false, the program skips over the statement
    An if statement can have an else clause which handles what should be done if the if statement is not true
    Continues to repeat a block of code as long as the condition is true
    Most useful when you want something to happen a couple of times
  • Robots replaced some people working on dangerous tasks
  • Robots receive commands from programmers to do a certain task using computers and software
  • Robots cannot understand the language humans use
  • Robots replaced some people working on dangerous tasks, making our lives more convenient
  • Robots
    Receive commands from programmers to do a certain task using computers and software
  • Communication between robots and humans is important
  • Programming languages are developed because robots cannot understand the language we use
  • Source codes (commands)

    Converted into machine codes that can only be understood by computers
  • Serial Monitor
    A tool used for communication between the Arduino board and a computer or other devices
  • Serial Monitor
    Allows sending messages from a computer to an Arduino board (over USB) and receiving messages from the Arduino
  • Opening up the Serial Monitor
    After uploading the sketch onto your Arduino, click on the right-most button on the toolbar in the Arduino IDE
  • Serial Monitor Window
    • Acts as a separate terminal that communicates by receiving and sending Serial Data
    • Part of the Arduino IDE software
  • Serial Data is sent over a single wire (but usually travels over USB) and consists of a series of 1’s and 0’s sent over the wire
  • Serial Monitor Window is called the Serial Monitor and it is part of the Arduino IDE software