Kornilov Affair

Cards (3)

  • Kornilov Affair
    • July 1917 - Kerensky appoints General Kornilov as Commander-in-Chief of the Army
    • August 1917 - Kornilov annoyed about the level of control Order No.1 has over the Army
    • Kornilov asks Kerensky to clamp down on the Soviet
    • Kerensky views army generals as trying to cause trouble
    • Kornilov mutinied and marches on to Petrograd
  • Kornilov Affair
    • Kerensky turns to the Bolsheviks for help
    • Bolsheviks released from prison to defend Petrograd
    • Kornilov arrested
  • Impact of Kornilov Affair on Kerensky
    • Had appointed Kornilov, so Kerensky could not be trusted
    • Went against Kornilov, so army generals now mistrust Kerensky
    • Support for Bolsheviks soared, many being elected onto the Soviets