Chapter 2: Note values and rests

Cards (10)

  • 2.1 Note Values:
    • Semibreve- 4 beats
    • Minim- 2 beats
    • Crotchet- 1 beat
    • Quaver 1/2 beat
    • Semiquaver 1/4 beat
  • 2.3 Ties: Written over two notes of the same pitch. First note lengthened to the duration of the second one as well.
  • 2.4 Dotted notes and rests: Lengthens the note by half its value.
  • 2.5 Triplets: Single note that can be divided into three equal parts. (Strawberry)
  • 2.6 Grouping notes and rests: Easier to read.
  • Grouping and beaming quavers:
    Rule 1. Quavers in 4/4, must be grouped and beamed in sets of 4. ( also for 2/4).
  • Rule 2. Don't beam over the middle bar. You want to be able to group where the strong note begins easily.
  • Rule 3. Semiquavers are usually grouped into units of 4.
  • Rule 4. Semibreves and minims are allowed to cross over the middle line.
  • Rule 5. Minim rests must not go over the middle line. If a whole bar is silent, a Semibreve rest must be used, regardless of the time signature.