coronary heart disease is when the coronary arteries get blocked by fatty deposits
coronary heart diseases causes the arteries to become narrow, so blood flow is restricted
stents keep arteries open
stents are tubes inserted inside arteries. they keep them open, making sure blood can pass through to the heart muscles
stents are a way of lowering the risk of a heart attack in people with coronary heart disease
stents are useful because they are effective for a long time and the recovery time from surgery is relatively quick
the bad part about stents is that there is a risk of complications during the operation and there is a risk of infection from surgery. there is also a risk of patients developing a thrombus near the stent
statins reduce cholesterol in the blood
there are to types of cholesterol in the body: LDL and HDL
LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is harmful
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is useful
having too much LDL cholesterol can lead to coronary heart disease
the advantages of statins are: they reduce the risk of strokes, CHD and heart attacks ; they increase the amount of HDL choleserol and they may even prevent some diseases
the disadvantages of statins are: they are a long-term drug ; they can have negative side effects and their effect isn't instant
an artificial heart can be used to pump blood around the body
if a patient has heart failure, doctors may perform a heart transplant
artificial hearts are mechanical devices that pump blood around the body
artificial hearts can be more useful as they are less likely to be rejected by the body
faulty heart valves can be replaced with mechanical valves or biological valves
when somebody loses a lot of blood, their heart can pump the remaining red blood cells around as long as the volume of their blood can be topped up
artificial blood is a blood substitute, e.g. saline