Clinical analysis

Cards (89)

  • Hct
    Hemoglobin level and red cell count
  • Hgb
    Values that rule out anemia
  • RBC Count
    Erythropoietic activity
  • WBC Count
    Leukocyte response
  • Platelet Count
    Chemotherapy and radiation conditions
  • Differential WBC Count
    Changes in the appearance or quantity of specific cell types
  • Indices
    Show the changes in RBC size, weight, and Hgb content
  • MCH
    Weight of the hemoglobin in the cell
  • MCV
    Size of the cell
  • MCHC
    Concentration of the hemoglobin per unit volume of RBCs
  • RDW
    Size differences of the RBCs
  • APTT
    Adequacy of heparin therapy
    1. D -dimer
    Thrombin and plasmin activity
  • FSP
    Amount of fibrin degradation products (FDPs) in the blood
  • Fibrinogen Test
    Fibrinogen levels in the blood
  • PT or INR
    Liver diseases or deficiency in Vitamin K
  • Ab Screen - Presence of abnormal antibodies in the blood (for blood transfusion)
  • DAT
    Determines transfusion incompatibility
  • ABO and Rh Type
    Shows the ABO and Rh blood groups
  • Type and Crossmatch
    Shows the blood group and screens for antibodies in the recipient's blood
  • Compatibility Testing
    Detects antibodies and antigen in both recipient's and donor's blood
  • Alanine Aminotransferase Test
    • liver damage
  • Alpha-fetoprotein
    • alpha-fetoprotein levels in pregnant women during the second trimester of pregnancy
  • Alkaline Phosphatase Test
    • amount of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in the bloodstream
  • Ammonia
    • measures the level that could indicate cirrhosis and hepatitis
  • Amylase
    • checks the enzyme level that could indicate liver disease, cholesystitis, etc.
  • Aspartate Aminotransferase Test
    • levels of aspartate aminotransferase enzyme that may indicate liver damage
  • Bilirubin Test
    • amount of bilirubin levels in the bloodstream that could indicate red blood destruction
  • Arterial Blood Gases
    • acid-base balance by measuring the pH, partial pressure of the carbon dioxide and oxygen
  • Blood Urea Nitrogen
    • amount of urea nitrogen found in blood, which could determine impaired renal function
    1. type Natriuretic Peptide Test
    • levels of the BNP hormone in the blood which could indicate congestive heart failure
    1. reactive Protein High Sensitivity
    • level of CRP
  • Carcinoembryonic Antigen Test
    • CEA protein levels in the blood that may help diagnose and manage certain types of cancers
  • Blood Calcium
    • total amount of calcium in the blood, which could help determine or monitor the effects of renal failure
  • Total Cholesterol
    • indicates risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Cortisol
    • shows adrenal hypofunction and hyperfunction
  • Creatine Kinase
    • used to check muscle damage
  • Creatinine
    • checks for cases that indicate renal impairment or muscular dystrophy
  • Drug Analysis
    • monitors therapeutic range to avoid toxic levels for drugs
  • Electrolytes
    • show the sodium values that determine disorder of the kidney and adrenals