Neural Circuitry

Cards (6)

  • Ventral tegmental are (VTA)

    Midbrain structure made up of A10 dopamine cells, largest concentration in the brain (like SN). Sends axonal projections to NAc and PFC
  • Nucleus accumbens
    Major pathway in which reward is processed in the brain, gets signals from VTA through mesolimbic pathway
  • Mesolimbic pathway

    Sends DA from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens to have reward get processed
  • Mesocortical pathway

    Sends DA from the ventral tegmental area to the prefrontal cortex
  • Prefrontal cortex
    Part of the brain that makes reasoned decisions. Poor imbalance of dopamine (mesocortical pathway) leads to worsened decision making, which is why addicts make such bad choices
  • Lateral habenula (LHb)

    Anti-reward pathway that releases more GABA onto the VTA so our dopamine levels go down when presented with aversive stimuli