SLT explanantion: Gender development

Cards (10)

  • SLT acknowledges the role that the social context plays in development and states that all behavior is learned from observing others
  • Direct reinforcement: Gender development
    Children are more likely to be reinforced for demonstrating gender-appropriate behaviour.
    • differential reinforcement
    • behaviours that are reinforced are then imitated
  • differential reinforcement
    the way in which boys and girls are encouraged to show distinct gender-appropriate behaviour
  • Indirect reinforcement: Gender development
    if the consequences of another person's behaviour are favourable, that behaviour is more likely to be imitated by a child
    • if consequences are unfavourable, child is less likely to imitate
  • identification ROLE MODELS : gender development
    refers to the process whereby a child attaches themself to a person who is seen to be like them and their qualities seen as rewarding
    • these are role models and are usually a part of the child's intimate environment
  • identification MODELLING: Gender Development
    modelling is the precise demonstration of behaviour that may be imitated by an observer
    • mother may model sterotypical feminine behaviour
  • Mediational processes: Gender Development
    • Attention
    • Retention
    • Motivation
    • Motor reproduction
  • SLT Gender devlopement: Supporting evidenve
    Smith and Lloyd
    • 4-6 month-old babies who were dressed half the time as boys and half the time as girls
    • when witnessing interactions with adults, the 'boy' babies were encouraged to do adventurous activities
    • the 'girl' babies were handed a doll and frequently told they were pretty
    • suggesting that gender-appropriate behaviour is stamped in at an early age through differential reinforcement
  • how is the SLT an explanation for gender development environmentally deterministic?
    places little emphasis on the influence of genes and chromosomes and only consider the role of the environment
    • David Reimer's case study demonstrated that it was not possible to override chormosmal influence despite changing the environment
    • most cultures show similar gender sterotypical behaviour
    • suggests gender behaviour is innate
  • the counterargument for the SLT explanation for gender development being environmentally deterministic?
    SLT explains changing gender roles in Western society
    • shift in social expectations and cultural norms over time meaning that new acceptable forms of gender behaviour have been reinforced
    • the biological theory can not explain this and supports the idea that gender is socially constructed